New Chapter and Art Recs

Jul 11, 2007 15:54

I still haven't acquired the habit of using LiveJournal regularly or in updating it. Like everything else (deviant art, archives, WIKTT...) I prefer to lurk, read as much as I can, but remain silent.

Anyways, Chapter Fourteen-The Palpable Obscure of my SS/HG fic Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy has been submitted to OWL, TPP, and Ashwinder. It should be up in a few days. I must send my love to 
melusin_79for her incredible dedication to me and my story by beta'ing it hours before she was due to go on vacation.

Now... the art recs! I posted something similar on my journal at Deviant Art, forgetting that I had this journal as well.

The sole purpose of my deviant art account was to view and collect all the wonderful HP universe artwork floating around out there. I became a fan art lover over at Illusions (SH) before I learned the joys of fan fiction. I've had this account for about a year and worked on my fanfic during that time.

So, much of the wonderful imagery has left a burning fire in my belly, inspiring my mind, moods, characters and even very specific scenes.

With all that emotion flowing through me it hurts keeping it all to myself.

I wrote the Prologue before I saw this, but I love it nonetheless In the corner by obfuscatesart

My dream sequence in Chapter Seven inspired by Black Asylum by sweetmoon

First scene in Chapter Eight completely inspired by  The End by comfortablylaura

My "desk" scene at the end of Chapter Eleven (Part 2)inspired by  Unsatisfied, you little girl by  kara-lija 

Macnair-Heart by madcarrot was in mind when I wrote his brutality in Chapters Four and Eight

How I imagined Greyback in Chapter Four Taste by madcarrot

All of my absolute favorite images of Severus Snape are by the same artist. This is what I imagine when I read, and of course, write him. In the Potion's storeroom, Dark, and Master by Perselus

The dedicated, passionate, and loyal emotions I get when writing Hermione reminds me so much of Mine by Cruel-Crush

Harry and Ginny by tolueno sums up how I am writing their angsty relationship

I LOVE this Luna. Exactly how I imagine her in fanfics. Luna Lovegood by wycked

For anyone reading my story, you must agree that I've warned you, 'snivellus' by wycked says so much about the way I am writing Sirius.

The following are all of my Lupin favorites, HP: R. J. Lupin by azmin,

In the Shrieking Shack by Magsby,

and Lupin Wallpaper by usagistu 

It's hard finding images of a Pansy who isn't sneering. Thus far my favorite is 7th-Year Pansy by yurchan

***But of course, a Disclaimer is in order. None of these pieces were made for me or my story~I just wish they were! They are all incredible ideas, living proof that my fanfiction isn't as original as I would love it to be.***

I have yet to find any Remus/Pansy art. I have made up my mind to seek commissions, and the first scene I would want, would be a Remus/Pansy one.

Hope you enjoyed the recs and all of the incredible artists.

vain wisdom all and false philosophy, melusin, deviant art, ss/hg

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