Creepy Landlord Harry Potter Fan

Jul 01, 2007 13:48

I hate my landlord! He's weird. His clothes always have holes in them (which may not be fair to judge since he does all the maintenance himself) but the holes are in horrible places, like right over his nipple or upper thigh. Sick.

Something about him screams nosy perv, but he has told my roommates and I on several occasions that he's gay. I have no idea why. Once we were handed the key to our apartment our first reaction was to check over every crack and hole in our bathroom and rooms to make sure there weren't any hidden cameras. But to hell with it. The apartment is nice, in a safe community and really cheap.

So he came here to fix something in my roommates bathroom. I wish he would just come and go, but nooooo, he has to talk to me. Which makes him work slower, therefore he is in our apartment longer.

I am never comfortable enough to stay locked in my room when he is here, so I sit on the couch in my living room. I open up my laptop to read some fics on Pureblood and Burrow over at SH. He makes a quick trip to his car and as he is coming through my door I feel him purposefully take his sweet time closing in so he can look at my laptop over my shoulder.

"Oh my god, you like Harry Potter?" he squeals. I tell him I do.

"I love Harry Potter," he says, "especially Harry/Draco slash fiction."

I did not just hear my landlord say this? I enjoy slash too, but not with anyone IRL, especially him! He attempted to discuss Harry Potter with me, but I wasn't having it. I wonder if he has a LiveJournal too?

harry potter

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