Jul 10, 2012 10:51
My lady love is in town for her birthday this year which means tonight we're doing something special which cannot be named here like that freaky pale wanker from Harry Potter that every used to prattle on about.
Don't have a lot of time for wanking about on the internet, just waiting for Ms. Herself to GET OUT OF THE FLAT already so I can put some finishing touches on some birthday things. Honestly, for someone who claims they like to be spoiled with surprises she doesn't a do half a job making it near impossible to pull one over on her. Good thing I'm so handsome. And clever. Mostly handsome.
Had a right terror of a weekend with Jones and his insistent hair tragedies, but was saved by knocking a few back in celebration (moratorium) of hardware exchange on Joey's part. Brave man, that one. Though I can't verify for anyone else because mine is a one time trip down the not-quite-remembered aisle, can't say being married isn't one of my better choices. At least I have someone to defer Mitz and Marianna's attentions when we go to Sunday dinners now. LODE JESUS.
I swear to god, how bloody fuck long does it take you women to "do" your hair? GET OUT OF THE FLAT. Stop singing to the dog and GET OUT OF THE FLAT. Don't show me any more of your ridiculous outfits because I have eyes so obv they all look good and GET OUT OF THE FLAT. I know I need a haircut I'm working on it GET OUT OF THE FLAT.
get out of the flat,