I actually did this post yesterday, but the email update didn't go through for some reason. Maybe my work is blocking the emails? I don't know. It doesn't really matter. I'm getting the post done anyway.
I enjoyed my trip to Florida, it was very nice. It was nice to see the in-laws. I was very interested in the stories they tell. I think the birth of my son has changed me a little. I mean, he's really made me aware of my own mortality, for one, but also he's made me aware of how little of my family history I know. This became painfully clear while I was in Florida. My in-laws have all sorts of family stories and I don't really know any. I mean, I don't really a have that good a memory, but I really just don't know many.
I wasn't so much jealous of what was in the stories as much as I was that they knew them. This is, of course, my own fault. I know my family has stories, and I know my parents know them. So, I think I need to make a more concerted effort to learn those stories. That'll be my homework. Before I see my in-laws again I need to learn more about my family. I don't think they really believed me that my family came from outer space in the 1800's and colonized Texas on their own. They nodded and smiled, but I think they were probably doubting the truthiness of my made up family history.
Speaking of my son, I have to wonder how he drinks the Enfamil formula. Anyone with kids, have you smelled that stuff? I can barely stand to clean the bottles when he's done with them. It just smells foul. The baby food, the few I've sampled, is kind of passable. I can see how a person might eat it (especially if it is all you're offered). But the formula, it must taste awesome somehow, but it smells like spoiled milk. He loves it though. So I guess I won't argue. I mean, he's got to drink something and he's not old enough for beer.
Though, conversely, he might smell beer and think, "Wow! How do they drink that?" Or course, he would probably think something more like "Ba ba gi gi yaaaaaaaaaaa!" That's more his style.
The boy did not like the beach. We went to the beach there in Florida and he pitched a fit. It was actually kind of adorable. We took him there and he was fine. Then I put him down in the sand and he frowned. Anyone know what Sackboy looks like when he frowns? You can probably find an image
here. That's what my son looked like. Then, when the waves came up and touched his feet he started to cry. So, we spent a total of 10 minutes at the beach. 4.5 minutes walking to the water's edge and 4.5 minutes walking away.
He did love the pool though. We went there several times.
The wife and I went and saw Star Trek and Up while there. Excellent movies. I highly recommend both. I'm not going to spend the time doing a "full review" but I'll leave it at "see them both, they're good." You don't even have to be a Star Trek fan to enjoy the movie either. It's good on it's own. Sure, there's a few "inside" jokes, but it's an excellent movie even if you're not "in" on the jokes.
I guess I'll get back to working now. I just thought it would be appropriate to update for the first time in a while. One last thing: Never fly in the evening with an infant. It was like a trip through hell. He actually did really well, considering, but he's way better flying in the morning than in the evening and I will not soon forget that.