Title: An Unwanted Brother (Part 2)
Author/Artist: Fairly Felonious
Prompt: 13. An alternate universe where a child/younger Joker is in the care of Bruce. I don't know why but I just wanna see it. Bruce is having trouble because the kid is such a little hooligan. (bothering Alfred/breaking things. Maybe constantly pestering/antagonizing a little
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I figured that if anyone had the ability to make Alfred lose his impeccable composure, it would be a small version of the Joker. Chaos meets British ettiquette.
Just the first four years of Jack's life were bad enough to make him think of himself as an outcast from the rest of society, so he was actually doing the experiment to see if his new family really wanted him, at least on some level. He also just likes being naughty.
Bruce just needed to get used to the idea of sharing, and having Jack's situation explained to him helped a little too, of course. He was just too young to understand that not all parents were as nice as his, when Jack first came into his life. The little munchkin eventually grew on him, though, and he's patient enough to find Jack's antics amusing rather than annoying, most of the time.
I'm glad this story incited such a wide range of emotions from you, though I'm sorry it almost made you cry. Incoherency is okay after a long study session, but you weren't too incoherent, so no worries ; )
Thanks for reviewing!
I want to write it so bad, and I can't since I have two more exams in two days T_T
Also my very emotional reaction can be the result of my neverdying love for Joker - I was upset because of the cruelty of his father (also have a couple of friends who have more or less the same problem - inferiority complex caused by their worthless fathers whom I hate with passion...) touchy subject, you see? :)
nevertheless I love your pair of brothers, and I hope they will cope better together than Brucie had on his own.
*back to studying literature* :(
Good luck with your exams.
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