Team Anarchy - Round 2 - Chase The Morning pt 2

Feb 01, 2009 11:08


The light pours into the room the next morning the Joker was already up and ready to look for more information on this Largo who had entered his Gotham. Leaving a glass of water and the Zydrate gun near the bed for Bruce he strapped on his gas mask and taking one last look at the man on the bed and left.

He soon found himself nearing the Narrows. It was the ground zero of the disease’ hold on Gotham any one entering was taking their life into their own hands in these times. The stench was the worst here then anywhere else in the city. The bodies were just stacked on top of each other no one sure what to do with them all. One of the tallest stacks lay near the doors of the hide out of one Dr. Jonathan Crane, now the Scarecrow. The Joker swiftly moves past them and pounds on his door. He waited a few minutes before just kicking it open and walking in. The mad doctor sat at a table in the middle of the room looking over every book he owned not stirring from the loud entrance the Joker made into his hide out. “Do you always have to slam doors?” He asked with a bored tone of voice. The jester just laughed. “Of course. How is the cure coming?” Crane just shook his head at the Joker’s inquiry. “Not as well as we would both want. I haven’t found any reason for it nor anything that might cure it.”

The Joker let out a growl and flopped himself into one of the few comfortable chairs in the sparse room that wasn’t covered in books. “Largo is in town.” He states simply and that makes Crane look up from his books. “That’s a family I would like to have a group session with.” The Joker cuts his eyes at him.

“You have no idea what that means do you.” Crane just smirked at the question and went back to his books. The Joker throws the closest thing to him at him, a glass ashtray making it shatter in a thousand pieces behind his head. “Look at me you want to be Sigmund Freud.”

Luckily for the doctor he was used to the Jokers out bursts in his hide out, the man having no were else to take his psychotic energies out when he needed to. “Keep breaking my things clown I’ll stop trying to help your boyfriend with his lung problem. But if Largo is indeed in town maybe he should just buy new lungs.” The Joker looked at him skanlized at the thought of Bruce using some of GenCo’s parts.

“I maybe a monster but I even think they are inhumane.” The words dripped with distaste from his mouth. Crane’s mouth quirks to one side looking at the mad clown once more.

“Is that so or is it you just want to be one of toughs Repo Men yourself, You know the ones that Largo is trying to put in every city.”

The Joker snorts. “I would take out my own kidneys before I would become one of Rotti’s men. I’m not a lackey Crane remember this.” With a flourish he is up and moving towards the door again. “Leaving so soon?” Crane asked as he watched the other man walk to the door.

“I need to know why Largo is here and I’m not going to find out much being here with you and your psycho analyzing ways.”

“Oh but your head is so fun to look in and try and rewire.” Crane quipped back knowing it would get a rise out of the Joker. He was right because in only a few second he found himself out of his chair and on the floor with a knife to his throat.

“You try that shit again and you will be a STUFFED Scarecrow.” And as quick as it happened the Joker was off him and out the door.


Rotti Largo was a man of means. A man who got what he wanted and what he wanted was to find the Wayne heir. He knew the man wasn’t dead. His clean up crews were already working over the city and building the mass graves. Wayne would have been in the bodies he already pulled from the office building and the manor.

Pushing a button he showed a picture of the Wayne heir and a young almost vagabond looking man talking. His gut saying to look for this other man and he would find Wayne but no one with his distinctive scars were showing in any of Gotham’s records.

The doors to his office opened and the click of heals made their way all the way to his desk. He turned to see his only daughter Amber Sweet looking at him a devious smile crossed her young face. “Who’s the hottie?” she asked pointing to the screen. Rotti cut his eyes to it once more to her then the screen before deciding to use the young woman for one of her few good skills. “That’s Mr. Wayne and an asscotice of his. I want you to find them both. Connect with who ever you need to find them. You have two days.” He kept his best nice daddy face on as he told her what he wanted from her. She grinned more. “Oh daddy you know I will, but I wanted to know if you can talk to your surgeon’s again. I’m having a hard time breathing out of my nose.” She batted her eyes in the sweetest way she could knowing she would get her wish. Rotti sighed but knew he couldn’t say no to his only daughter. “If you get this done then we will talk, alright.” She lets out a squeal of joy and launched herself at him to hug him before running off to find this Wayne person and the other mystery man, possibly off to find some Z to work better at the same time.


The crack of the man’s head against the wall was satisfying as the Joker worked him over for more information. He couldn’t see what was so tough about these Repo men. This one went down with almost no fight, and the knife tricks he was using were ones he himself had used when he was first starting.

“Now.” He licked his lips holding the man to the wall his own tool to his throat. “Where can I find these…Largos?” The man panted. “I. I…. I don’t know I just do my calls. Look let me down and if you get a Repossession I wont come I’ll find another person please.” Pathetic, begging for his life like any lowly mob grunt. The Joker just let him fall unable to bring himself to do more but when he seen the band on his wrist he knocked the man out an idea forming in his head.

“He he he, we’ll see what you think Mr. Largo when this Repo man comes for you.” He stripped the man leaving him in only his shorts and stuffing his things into his bag and making his way back to his apartment. Deciding it was best to just wait Largo out and for the first call to reposes something.

fanfic, chaptered story: chase the morning, knight vs anarchy round 2, rating: pg13, team anarchy, author: ebon_wings, genre: crossover

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