acerodon wrote in batman_lulz Apr 10, 2011 14:18
damien and dick doing a little dance, frick, acid trip, communists, dead cops, daaaaamn, finally, botmon lulz, cutesy gifs, don't feed it after midnight, hawt, heathus, look at these homosexuals, fun with tags, dick, fronds, crack, dreams, holy crap, cock, animation, dancing, i immediately regret this decision, calm your fucking tits, community project, batman's a pussy, dick bats needs a sassy gay friend, gif, ffffffffffff, faggotry, drinking, cumbucket, do you like them?, hey hey, cute, getting your freak on, cool mom, drunk, crackhead, goddamn batman, say hi to the paid account gift, general faggotry, cotton candy is better, botmon & robon, what are they doing, botmon, batshit insane, glittery glasses, fuck, bloop where are you, goddomn, hannah montana must die, shit found on tumblr, what have i done, gonna fuck your eyesholes bernard, booty, cupcakes, boners, gay, damian what are you doing, i can lick my elbow, community, baller, fantastic, dickbutt, dildo, anal acoustics, cocks with sugar, boobs, *lolwheeze*, drugs, gaymen, cocks cocks cocks everywhere, dance, crotch grab, you guise better being to the chat
bellephebia wrote in batman_lulz Oct 28, 2008 15:35
frick, dinosaurs, batman city