For your benefit...

Nov 20, 2007 18:54

I don't have much time to write this update but, what the hey! For those of you who have been following along in this long and drawn out tale of me trying to get a teaching job...know that I am really close! By close I mean I think I have one more semester of classes and then I will be set for teaching. Do I want to take all of those teaching courses? Noooo! Do I need to? Yessss! I think I can slide by with just 2 more classes and round this puppy out to three and then get my stuff to teach. So far things are going swimmingly! I am sub teaching and my teaching prof. thinks I will make a fine teacher. Subbing is a lot of fun. It is not as horrible as some have feared for me. Yes, the children can be uhh...energetic sometimes but overall, I have a really good time!

I love teaching and I really do think it is a solid fit for me. Teaching or the rigors of politics seem to be the best courses of action for me. I like them both because it involves making the world a better place. Makes ya feel fuzzy inside, don't it? Not like moldy fuzzy like a halloween pumpkin gone bad...more like a "I just drank some really good apple cider or hot coco but not both cause that tastes weird back to back" feeling.

In other news...less action packed and a bit less thrilling but interesting none the less, I am back at Best Buy! I am working in Media part time and so far, it works with my subbing schedule. Getting my job back was more difficult than I thought. Some people didn't think I should come back. These people annoy me because everyone changes and you shouldn't judge someone on stuff they used to do. Hear a person out, let them know how you feel and give them the benifit of the doubt that they have indeed changed. You can still not like the person but don't go and stand in that persons way of getting his of her job back! all in all, being back at Best Buy helps pay the bills and it is a job I know I can do. I enjoy doing it to, so...hurray!

Having the sub teaching job brings me the greatest joy though. Thats all for now. I will talk to you later with a more detailed update. That update will include Lizzie and I going to see the sox parade, some fun upcoming stuff like going to a hocky game and getting tickets to rob zombie amoung other things. Stay frosty and keep rockin.
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