
Oct 09, 2006 11:54

So, I get home today to enjoy a day of relaxing and having fun...only to have it ruined by North Korea! They tested a nuclear bomb today. What happened to the whole "We are going to stop people and nations with WMD's." What happened to actually fighting the nations that really pose a threat and not beating up on people who arn't a threat? We are still technically at war with North Korea. I think they remember that while we have sadly forgotten it. How does this nuke test change anything? It probably won't. Our administration can't even handle Iraq or Afganistan. There will be some kind of arms race in the Asian nations but other than that, I think the USA will just wimp out and let North Korea grow into a bigger problem for future generations to deal with. This whole thing is insane. The more and more I read the news, the more I realize how childish the world is. Grow the hell up people. What is really important to you? I think I am going to shower and try to enjoy the fact that today is a nice fall day. Stay frosty everyone.
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