Nov 18, 2004 16:50
so my first NIN dream, in disordered fashion
i was there alone which was strange. everybody was jumping up and down with the beat of the music. there were these trapese artist doing stuff on the ceiling above a big tank of water. they would swing down hanging from their knees and the bit was to see if they could get out of the water while staying on the trapese (which is almost if not entirely impossible or at least that was the feeling. Tdawg had a haircut like the boys at my middle school. it looked like a mushroon with the botom layer of hair shaved off but the tip was long and split down the middle (does anyone remember that haircut/know what i'm talking about?) Tdawg was saying stuff about the trapeze artists, like explaining what they were supposed to be doing. actually, he was being really melodramatic and annoying about the whole thing. then, there was this game like tag going on where there were police with dogs and the object of the game was to get away from the police and/or the dogs. if you got caught you had to spend 5 months in jail, like real jail. i of course got caught and had to leave to go serve my sentence right away so i didn't even really get to see the show! :( then i was in a shopping mall watching the concert on a tv that was there.
and then i woke up. i was happy it was a dream because i don't want to go to jail.