Today is the 6 year anniversary of my last Tori show (and my last show period) in Ohio. i saw T at the Promowest Pavillion (it isn't even called that anymore, i don't think). It was a great night-she played Caught a Lite Sneeze which was my number one song wish at the time and there were a couple of funny/unique moments: Frequency problems and consequent long solo instrumental improv, "My Dress Has Broken" and "Bring it On" improvs are still haves of mine. i think she played Lust too, which i heard for the first time in Cleveland '01 but it's another absolute fave so it was really special. That reminds me--
storytellerslie , i remember you getting a copy of the setlist--this might be a long shot but do you still have it? if you do could you make me a copy of it? it would mean alot, with Lust and CALS and all.
i feel old.
in other news, my anticipation for T's solstice record is getting pretty rediculous. it's morphed into anticipation for Christmas, which is noemal for me, but having it this early to this extent is a little much. last night i made my annual Christmas Mix and have been trying to find good movies to add to my Cristmas Movie Marathon. I'm also trying to think of movies for Halloween. They can't be too scary because i don't handle that kind of thing well, but things like the movie "From Hell" and "The Shining" are perfect. A couple of years ago i say a movie called "Red Eye" about a girl on a plane with her father's killer or something and it was pretty much my speed as scary movies go. Suggestions for Halloween and Xmas movies are welcome!
In other other news, i take the GRE Subject Test in Lit 10 October, the Genereal test on the 21. Ugh, at this point i just want it over with. i think i have to do a "letter of intent" rather than an essay, and submit a writing sample (from my thesis, for the most part, probably). i want to get those things done by Halloween. Halloween is the start of my holiday season and i want to be able to totally relax and enjoy the start of it.
lastly my tutoree Elsa is moving to Texas. i am so sad about this because i will miss her and her hard work. it also means i am back to the drawing board for finding another student, for the 3rd time in 8 months. on the bright side i will have more time to study while they find me someone else (dear god, what will i do with myself after these damn tests are over? (besides drink and feel like the wieght of the world has been lifted from my shoulders).