I just tried Red Bull for the first time.
It sucks.
Talking, thinking, talking, thinking. It seems to be all I do anymore. I'm always paranoid about something lately, so I find people to talk to about it and talk until I can't think of anything more to say. It helps. It probably sucks for all of you, but you can take comfort in the fact that you're helping me :) because at some point I figure out a way to explain it concisely and so that it makes sense, and it's like I'm really explaining it to myself. Cry. Bitch. Whine. Epiphany. Repeat. And what happens when I reach the person I really wanted to explain it all to? Gobbledygook. Repeat.
But by now, the issue has passed, and there's something new to panic about.
I didn't want to do my homework, so I drew
I wish everything could just go back to normal. Or at least that relative normality I've come to accept as my own. Or maybe what I really mean is I just want that happy part back.
I want to go on a road trip. He should call me.