Title: Hearts and Crafts
Universe: Nolanverse
Genre: Dark/Fluffy
Rating: PG, if only for mention of the Joker
Characters/Pairings: Insinuated Harley/Joker
Word Count: 305
Warnings: WARNING! I WROTE THIS! And possible TDK dialogue spoiler
Summary: Love is the best inspiration of creativity.
She hugged him to her chest the second the last pin was out. His green hair, made of some ratty old green carpet she had found, complemented his dark, mysterious eyes etched out of black felt. And the crimson of the yarn shaped and sewn into a mouth was just the right shade against the pure white cotton he had been born out of.
…this is how crazy Batman's made Gotham! If you want order in Gotham, Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in…
She held him up to compare. He looked just like the man playing on the DVD she had burned the previous day. She had had a copy before that, but the disc had just died from being played so many times. She blushed slightly, realizing she had forgotten a crucial addition. Her little Joker would need his colorful clothing, of course! Oh, Joker! So powerful and free-willed! How could anyone be afraid of such an honest spirit?
Oh, and every day he doesn't, people will die.
How could one not look up to a man that had held a whole city in his hands? So intelligent and creative! His dress sure did reflect that she noted as miniaturized parts of his suit were slid onto the stuffed form. Purple pants hung from a hip-less waist while she buttoned the tiny green dress shirt from the bottom up. Utterly satisfied with her persistence in finding almost the exact fabric for the shirt (it had been the hardest part to seek out!) she smiled so wide it forced her to close her eyes, fiercely clutching him in a hug.
I'm a man of my word…
“He’s a man of his word,” she repeated giddily, her head resting on her newest creation’s. And what a man he was!