Title: marionettes
Universe: Nolanverse
Genre: angst
Rating: pg-13
Characters/Pairings: Gordon, Batman, Harvey Dent
Word Count: 145
Warnings: none, really, except pg-13
Summary: Gordon realizes their strings were pulled.
It had been a week since the Joker had been caught and Dent had died. Barbara and the kids had gone to Texas to see her brother. Jim Gordon didn't kid himself into thinking that they would be back. Not after that night.
Funny. When he thought of that night, once he got pass the image of Jimmy with a gun to his head, saw them all as dolls. Batman, Dent, himself, the whole city. They had all been the dolls of a madman, to play with as he pleased. Little wooden dolls on strings, running around the city while he blew up hospitals and flipped semis and held them all hostage to do with as he pleased.
Gordon shook himself, then headed to the rooftop. He needed to talk to another of the dolls. To make sure no one ever pulled their strings again.