Title: Hearts in Time
Author: Pirate Turner
Universe: Comic
Genre: Romance/Angst
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Batman/Catwoman, Bruce/Selina
Word Count: 500
Warnings: Het
Disclaimer: All characters belong to DC comics, not the author.
He gazes into her big, emerald eyes over the flickering candlelight adorning their table. He reaches out and takes her hand in his. She shivers not just from the excitement of his touch but also from anticipation of the words she knows he's about to speak.
All around them, couples are celebrating milestone anniversaries and preparing to ask the ultimate question. This isn't the type of restaurant she usually frequents, but she's been here before. He brings her here about once every five or so years when things are going well for them again and their hearts have began to dare to hope they could be one of these happy couples around them.
She wishes she could have the hope that's filling his heart tonight and making his baby blue eyes sparkle, but she doesn't. Life has beaten her down too many times, and whereas she'll never allow that to happen again, she knows it's just a matter of time before he'll be closing those silver bracelets she hates so much around her wrists again and taking her back to Arkham. It's just a matter of time before the world puts them at odds again. He'll never be able to accept she deals out her own brand of justice and doesn't mind alleviating treasures from the snobs who have them but don't deserve them.
He'll never be able to give up crime fighting or saving the world or even their own little piece of it. They'll never see eye to eye on true justice. She knows locking a criminal away only delays the inevitable; the only true way to stop a monster is to kill it. Yet he is incapable of killing, or of looking the other way when she or any one else kills some one, no matter how richly they deserve to die. She's stopped asking him to give up that part of him for she knows that it is as much him as the air that fills his lungs.
Yet he'll never quit asking her to give up her side for long. Every time she admittedly reopens her heart to him, he wants her to stay. They both do. Yet it can not be for being Catwoman; liberating the prettiest jewelry, finest diamonds, and the world's cats; and dealing true justice to those who would hurt an innocent animal or girl is as much a part of her as being Batman is him. Without either, they are not themselves, and so it is they can not be just an ordinary, happy couple like those around them tonight.
Selina smiles. If she'd had her tail, it would have swished. Who really wants to be ordinary, after all? She purrs as she leans forward and places a finger on Bruce's lips. "Not tonight," she whispers. He understands immediately; she kisses him. They don't have to have the anniversaries or wedding rings that most couples cherish. They have each other and their love, and that's enough to fill their worlds.
The End