Title: It's Been an Honor
Universe: Justice League Cartoon, just after Starcrossed
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Batman, Superman, Jim Gordon
Word Count: 433
Warnings: Major Character Death, AU
Summary: "I can't risk having the Watchtower burn up on reentry. I'll have to guide it in manually."
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, I’m not making money from them.
AU from the end of Starcrossed - What if Superman hadn’t been in time to pull Batman from the Watchtower?
“My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night; but ah, my foes, and oh, my friends - it gives a lovely light!” ~ Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950)
The streets of Gotham surrounding police headquarters were alight, glowing with the illumination from hundreds of points of light. He would not have believed it - would have in fact have hated seeing such a display being made over himself - had he been there to see it. Though, had he been there to see it, there would have been no reason for the memorial.
The news was shown on every channel, even with the press overwhelmed reporting on the alien invasion that had only just been defeated - it was not every day that a legend fell. The Man of Steel, standing with Commissioner Gordon on the steps of the precinct, had told the story to the press - to the world. He had told of the sacrifice that had been made to ensure their freedom, voice choked with emotions he fought to keep at bay. And then he left, flying off into the night, not having time to grieve with so much yet to do, leaving Gotham to mourn as she lived and survived - alone.
And so they had come. A handful at first, a few amongst the many that he had helped, joining together to remember and lament the passing of a great man. As time passed and word spread, more and more people joined the group. Stories were exchanged through laughter and tears. By the time night fell, the streets around the headquarters were full of people, as the people of Gotham came together to mourn.
Then the hour of his death the previous day came, and for perhaps the last time his symbol lit the sky. The crowd fell silent, heads bowed, and one by one they raised their hands to the sky, holding candles, lighters, cell phones - whatever they had on hand.
Time passed, though the quiet remained. At last, as the first glimmering light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, the crowd began to disperse. Jim Gordon watched them from the roof of the precinct, a proud smile on his tear-streaked face at the fortitude of Gotham. He knew that the city was in for bad times, with their Knight now vanquished, but Jim held hope in his heart that the man’s memory would give strength to the people, would keep them from falling back into the depths from which he had fought so hard to pull them.
With a deep sigh, Gordon turned back to the signal, running a hand over its lens - nearly burning himself on the lamp-warmed glass. Pushing back yet more tears he reached out a shaking hand, and turned off the Batsignal.