hey guys

Aug 07, 2010 19:48

been a while. just wanted to give a quick update on my life goings-on, and maybe pop a few images in here. yes, you read correctly, i'm going to post some ***ART***. some of it maybe have been posted here before, actually, but since i had to give up my paid account, and by extension, my gallery, i can't check for sure. ....i miss having my drawings all up on LJ....

so generally, things are going pretty well. still not exactly employed - i'm more on-call for a photo studio and guy who has me paint houses he's flipping and selling. so i'm on the hunt and keeping my fingers crossed.

i technically still live with my granny, but i'll soon be relocating to my dad's house, which would really suck if it weren't for this fact: my BEST friend of the past 10 years, shayla, is moving from georgia (where she's been since 2006) and in with me at my dad's until we can afford to get an apartment together. at which point, she's going to start college, and i'm going to finish it. but instead of going back to mcad, i'm planning on taking my 63 credits in comic book art and putting them towards getting a degree as a k-12 art teacher. that way i'll have a stable income while i work on my comics, and have summers off to go to cons and take vacations and crap :)

and now....some pictures!!!


patt (sorry i never colored it!!):

crumbling woman:

remember when i re-vamped dinah? just a little pic of that outfit, plus ollie:

i may have already posted this a while ago...:

that's all i'm gonna put up for now, but i hope you're as excited as i am to finally have some drawings on here again!! :)

i love you all.

personal, art

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