Feb 13, 2010 02:06
well, kids. i'm a bit in the shits.
it's been one financially (and emotionally) draining mishap after another. i'm not exactly dying here, but i have a very limited amount of time before i'm all financially on my own here, and i can't find a damn job. i've applied, like, EVERYWHERE. i know several people all over the place who are having the same exact problem, but i'm sure it looks like i'm not trying hard enough to my father. especially after he just had to fork over $200 to get my car out of an impound lot cuz it got towed in the latest "snow emergency". le sigh.
well, i'm stressed out, but i'm working on it. hopefully i'll get a call back from *one* of these places soon...ugh.
in better news, my little cousin sohpia (the one with SMA that was given a 50% chance of living to 2 back when she was diagnosed) just had her 5th birthday! i'm so happy, and i wish i could be there for her party this weekend, but my mom promised to send me pictures, and i'm thrilled that sohpie is still doing well.
guess that's all i've got for now. i'm trying to get on a more work-appropriate sleep schedule, so i'm gonna get myself to bed now, just thought i'd post a quick update. i love you all.