As a former Catholic I spent most of my adult life rejecting anything to do with the church including Lent. By the time I was in my teens my concept of God did not involve the practice of giving something up for 40 days in the hopes of coming closer to Christ.
My religion however is not the focus of this blog. For the past few years I have used Lent as a chance to change something in my life or reevaluate the way I do things.It began with my decision to stop eating meat. It was around the same time as Lent so I decided to use that time to test the waters and see if I could really live a life without meat. It’s been 5 years and I can count the times I have eaten it on one hand and still have some fingers left.
In following years I have given up vices and went vegan. While some things have only lasted until Easter I have been no worse off for having attempted them and this year I feel I will only benefit from it.
While I have long been a believer in the benefits of yoga, I have often let my practice laps for days and even weeks at a time. As a CMT and an avid dancer my life now requires a degree of strength and flexibility that I will not obtain without a daily yoga practice.
To accomplish this for the duration of Lent I will attempt to start each day with sun-salutations and end each day with a few gentle poses before I sleep. Time permitting I also hope to begin going to regular classes again. The goal by Easter is to have yoga become as normal a part of my day as brushing my teeth and hopefully I can get my body and mind back in sink.