Is there any other way?

Jun 04, 2011 15:49

 I took the family to the First Annual Orleans Festival today.  We left the house at 11:00am.

That was our first mistake. Munchkin would have gone down for his nap around 12:00.

Unfortunately, however much I try to get R to get out of bed early enough that we can have breakfast and go *anywhere*, it never seems to get out the door much before 11:00am. However, the schedule at the festival wasn't really conducive to an early start. The kid's inflatable play area wasn't even inflated until noon, the magic show wasn't until 1:30.

DS seemed to be having a great time - climbed right up the 30 foot slide and came right on down, with little encouragement, and, unlike last year, no help. He didn't enjoy the bouncy castle or the bouncy maze either.

From there, we got an ice cream then went downstairs in the new Shenkman Arts Centre to enjoy A Taste of Orleans - an event where local restaurant and food businesses hand out free samples of their foods. I'm certain the family favourite was D'Arcy McGee's Guinness marinated Steak and Mushroom dish. It was so delicious DS devoured a large portion of the two samples we got.

We tried several other dishes, so I can't be sure if I should blame one of the foods, exhaustion or both on what came next.

We headed for the stage area inside the Centre where the magic show was to start. By the time we were ready to find seats close to the stage, pre-meltdown had begun.

"I go hoooome."

Bug didn't want to sit, or move closer, much as we tried to encourage him. After 10 minutes of efforts, A refusing to budge, we carried him outside, dumped him on his feet, took both hands and started to walk.

Come the Battle of Wills.

Mr Stubborn-I'm-a-Taurus stood in the middle of a side road yelling, crying and carrying on.

For. Twenty. Minutes.

We waited at the end of the road, watching other parents smile and walk by, shooed away other parents attempting to calm him, and still other parents intent on finding out if he was lost.

In the end, R ended up picking him, slapping his butt and heading back to the car where he sobbed, screamed and snivled all the way home where he got a diaper change, and put to bed.

If R had his way, DS would not have gotten the comfort of mommy nursing & cuddles before his nap.

I have to wonder if there was another way we could have handled the tantrum itself.  Avoidance would have meant leaving right after eating, but we really wanted to see the show.

But what about the tantrum?

baby, tantrum, festival

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