Aug 17, 2006 05:05
Philthy left this morning to go back to cali...
It was really sad, I didn't cry though. I held my myself though.
I love that guy.... I mean I watched that guy go from down here to about right here!
You can't see my hands, but there's a big stretch. Trust me.
Just us together was this fucking cyclone of funk/metal/punk/hip hop/prog/and (my favorite) death pop....
But DO NOT WORRY!!!. Le Pimp shall not be silenced.
I mean fuck, i fed and housed this guy from about 2 or 3 monthes! He was IF my dog could play guitar like that mutherfunker did, I would be a millionare.
I love you Super Badass...I hope Cali is just as fucking awesome as it was. Welcome home buddy.... I be here waiting for you!-
-!Attack em at they throats Roach!-CHuRch~
This is actually a few days later... its the 20th. 5:06 am.
First of all, I fell in love with this show called Milkchan...or Milk Chan. I dunno. But it's fucking awesome. It's like hello kitty, powerpuff girls style anime, you know meant to be all cute and shit. But they fucking cuss and my favorite charecter is what I want to name my band. Milkchan is this chic, (not my favorite charecter), she has this robot and this little catapillar, and every episode she goes to this Doctor who totally rips on her robot. His name is Dr. Eyepatch...I thought that would be a sick ass name for a band...tonight he said her robot was designed to find niggers in the fields, and milkchan taunts the robot by repeating "nigger finder nigger finder"..
Its fuckin nuts, Dr. Eyepatch just has this fucking sinister ora to him. badace.
and then, god gave me a present. Cartoon Planet was on RIGHT AFTER WARDS!!
I was so excited I recorded it, and plus I found a bunch of old MST3 movies I recorded....
so much fun, you fools should come over and watch it.
IM still lonely without phil...