The End is Nigh

Aug 25, 2009 11:05

That's right. Classes start next Monday. I've yet to get my books and I'm dreading going any later than Friday because the rush is going to be terrible.

Other than that, I took today off to have a bit longer of a break before classes begin. I'm working tomorrow and Thursday though. And then Thursday afternoon I'm going for my drivers test. Wish me luck. I better pass the first time too. I'm determined cause this really annoying girl in my sisters grade did it the first time...and I just have to now.

THEN!!! The biggest news of the past few days, I found out that there is another Comic-Con in Pittsburgh besides Steel City Con. It's September 11, 12, and 13. BUT...on Saturday only...the one and only...


Is going to be the guest of honor!!! I'm already in the works to get my tickets. I'm so stoked. I nearly peed my pants when I read about sad is that? But yeah, I really am excited. It's the little spoil that I'm giving my self in honor of turning 2 decades old next month haha.

Other than that exciting news, my last few days of Summer Vacation have been blessedly normal and mundane. Something that I'm sure I'll miss in the next few months. It's so hard to believe that I've already completed one year of College and that I'm getting ready to start my second.

Dammit gotta slow down for me!!

I also believe that I promised some art awhile here you go.

Line art by: cheez0rs
Color by: Me

The Comedienne

Forgot about this one :D

Nick Fury...there's an oddly big black spot on his boxers that I just now noticed :/ Blah

X3 Self conscious Bruce Banner is self conscious.

haha...Obviously Gay Tony is obviously gay.

That's it for this go around. I'll have more next time :D

college, art, classes, pics, con, comics

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