"Everyone has a cause they support right? Whether it is animals, a natural disaster, cancer, abuse, etc - there is always 'something for everyone' so to speak."
Charity pledge is a new community for exchanging fanworks for money towards charity. I'm taking part, so should you! Or, at least, go have a gander at it!
"Basically, people can offer to write fics, or make fanvids, picspams, icons, whatever and in return people can "buy it now" and then donate the money to the charity of their choice. You can offer/buy things for as low as $1! That's right --- $1! Also, you can offer but NOT bid or bid but not offer --- or even both! Interested in knowing more?"
You can find the community here /
and my pledge thread here.
I, personally, am selling drabbles, fanfic, pornfic, fanvids and fanmixes. :D