Jersey Comics

Nov 12, 2006 18:43

Title: Jersey Comics
Author: bass_moron
Pairing: Gerard/Frank, Quinn/Mikey/Bert
Rating: R
POV: It switches.
Summary: Their reality is much like a comic book, Gerard and Mikey are two half demons with the ability to control fire and heat, Frank is the only known male siren, with a big beautiful, yet very dangerous secret about his past. But things take a turn for the worse and find themselves against an evil super villain.
Disclaimer: I don’t own a car, I can’t own people.
Author Notes: If you’ve been waiting for this to come back and then forgot all about it, well here it is. Dedicated solely to lesinnocents she’s awesome.
Warnings: If you get hooked and then it just drops off the earth, sorry, all I can say dears. And if you didn’t read number 16, it’s in my journal.


I’m still getting used to nights like these, lying in bed with both Quinn and Bert. Watching Bert make Quinn squeal and shriek, it was actually amusing sometimes. Quinn was such a whore when it came to Bert and Bert himself had some internal craving for me. I never understood why. I rested my head against the pillow watching Bert thrust into Quinn’s ass. He watched me the whole time he fucked him, and pulled on his pretty blonde hair.

“…ugh…ugh…ugh, fuuuuck!” Quinn breathes become so throaty when Bert shoves his cock into him. Just watching their hips move in such a fluid motion, pressing into the mattress was a pretty sweet turn on. I reached down under the covers taking hold of my erection. I closed my eyes and parted my lips to moan softly, not too loud. Bert said it was so sexy when I did that. ‘So innocent, so sweet you are when you moan like that, Michael.’ Whatever floats your boat I guess. I just humor him a lot of the time.

Once Quinn had cum, Bert pulled out of him and slapped his ass. He yelped and sighed contently and turned onto his back to stare up at the ceiling. Bert moved on to me, he yanked my hand away from my dick and replaced his hand instead. His lips crashed onto mine, kissed me so hard I could barely breathe. And his unshaven face was so itchy against mine. But I gave in to him, I always did, it’s not like I had much of a choice. The man who killed me once I was fucked by on a daily basis.

He turned me over swiftly, finally freeing me of his suffocating kiss. I was pressed into the pillow but I could still smell the smoke from Quinn cigarette beside me. Bert grabbed my waist, picking up my hips so that my ass was popping out for quick access to him. If there was only one thing I would learn about Bert it would be that he hates hesitation. He shoved into me with all he had. The initial entry still hurt like hell. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit down on my lip as he thrusts himself in and out of me like a fucking bantering ram. He never showed me any kind of mercy during sex. But then again, I never did expect him to. No more moans now, at this point Bert craved my pillow-biting and muffled screams.

RING, the telephone on Quinn’s side of the bed rung. He didn’t pay any mind to it, just let it ring and watched as Bert fucked me. It kept ringing though, most people would wait like 5 rings then hang up, whoever was on the other line had great patience. I heard a soft but frustrated sigh come from him and I could just feel him roll his eyes.

“Hand me the fucking phone.” He said to Quinn. Quinn turned himself and reached over for the phone and handed it quickly to Bert. “What?!” He yelled at the person on the line, still moving his hips into me. I could faintly hear the person’s voice on the phone, couldn’t make out any of the conversation though. “You picked a very bad time to call me back, what the fuck do you want?” He went quiet again, listening to the other person. He made a kind of throaty sound and dug his nails deep into my side and came inside me. Bert pulled out quick and sat between me and Quinn on the bed. “Are you sure? Where?” He paused and chuckled softly with a smirk. “That’s good, very good. I’ll see you in a moment you can give me all the details. You know where and when. Goodbye.” He hung up the phone and got out of the bed to gathered up his clothes. “The both of you get dressed and meet me at my office in a few hours, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” Bert put his suit back on, dusted it off just a little and left the room.

“Hm…must be real important if he didn’t stay for a second round. Who do you think we’re meeting?” Quinn asked after blowing out cigarette smoke.

I sat up and made my way of the bed to find my discarded clothing. “I don’t know, maybe another one of Bert’s conmen or hired guns.”

“No, he wouldn’t be in that sort of mood.” Quinn finally sat up and inhaled more sweet cancer. “And plus he’s been on this whole mythical siren thing. Maybe he finally found the damn thing.”

“Good, less for us to do then.” I pulled on my tight black jeans and slipped a t-shirt over my head. “Hurry up or that good mood of his will turn sour.”

Quinn put his cigarette out into an ashtray and got up, getting dressed along with me. Unlike Bert, we preferred a casual modern-day look when we walked about. I quickly tossed on a jacket after lacing up my white leather boots and waited just outside the room for Quinn. He popped out a few minutes later, putting another cigarette to his lips. We walked out of Bert’s luxurious apartment and found our way to the streets and bright lights of Vegas. Bert had places all over the country and a few places in Europe that were quite nice. I looked around and saw that his private limo was gone. This means, Quinn and I get to take one of Bert’s fancy little imports out for a ride.

My ear caught the jiggling of keys and I turned to see what it was. Quinn was looking at me with a lusty smirk. He was jiggling the car keys to Bert’s brand-new sexy black Jaguar straight from the UK.

I snatched the keys from him. “I’m driving,” then trotted on over to the garage where all Bert’s cars were stored.

“Why do you get to drive?” Quinn protested and followed after me.

I rolled my eyes at the question. “Because,” I simply said to him and my eyes caught the shining twinkle the car made when light hit it.

“Because what? Give me a better fucking answer than because, Mikey.” He always liked to say my name in that damn arrogant tone of his.

“You got to drive that pretty cherry red Ferrari when we were in California all the time. So this is my turn to drive. So fucking deal with it.” I slipped my hips into the driver’s seat, feeling the comfortable leather seating under me. “Bert has exquisite taste.” I said holding onto the steering wheel. Quinn got into the passenger seat, pulling down the vanity mirror to fix his messy sex hair.

“He told us to meet him in a few hours, what should we do until then?” Quinn asked me after fixing his hair.

“We could go to one of Bert’s clubs we get in for free like always.”

“Nah, that’s no fun. I feel like killing something. Are there anymore marks left on the list?”

I shook my head at his question. I had to admit I was feeling a bit sluggish. I wanted to smell the fresh scent of blood and watch as death glazed over the eyes of my victim. “No, Bert hasn’t updated yet. At the moment too many people are afraid to cross him, so they’re keeping their dealings secret.”

I started up the car and listened to the beautiful engine sing. I licked my lips and smiled devilishly and peeled out of the garage and into the streets. I fucking love my job.


“Now tell me again, I just have to hear such wonderfully good news one more time.” Bert said with an evil smirk and twiddles his fingers together like some evil genius plotting to destroy the world.

The other man sitting in the shadows of the office chuckled at Bert’s delight. He picked up his glass of scotch on the rocks and had a quick sip before saying another word. “The siren you’re looking for, Princess Ana’s only son is alive and well living in this country.”

“Where?” His eyes were wide with curiosity.

“You know the price…I can’t just give you information like this without my cash payment.” The man said.

“I apologize, where are my manners?” He choked out a fake laugh and sat down at his big desk. “But let’s get this straight right now. You had better give me some solid information or you get nothing. And for wasting my time I will kill you.” His tone was serious now. “So what’s your price?”

“I do think that one million is more than reasonable.”

“One million dollars.” He said and then shrugged his shoulders. “Is that all, nothing else?”

“For what you want to accomplish I think it’s more than enough to keep me happy for a while.”

“All right. One million dollars.” He pulled out a checkbook from his desk and wrote out a personal check for one million dollars. “Now, tell me what you know.”

“As I said before, he’s living in the country safe and sound I assume.” He had another sip of his scotch.

“You assume?”

“He moves around a lot and quickly, living in dives to keep a low profile. It appears he’s aware of his abilities and can control them.”

“You’re still not telling me what I want to hear…WHERE IS HE?!” He screamed at the man. The whole office shook violently as if an earthquake just hit, and immediately stopped when Bert stopped yelling.

“No need for theatrics Bert. They don’t threaten me you should know that by now.”

“Just tell me where he is and we’ll be done with this.”

The office doors opened up swiftly and Quinn came inside holding an open champagne bottle. He was clearly drunk but he composed himself well. He went and crashed on the couch beside the window. Mikey came in right after giggling and looked over at Bert and quickly dropped his smile when he saw the look on Bert’s face.

“Sorry, did we interrupt?” Mikey asked and shoved his hands into his pockets and played with the car keys in one hand.

“No.” Bert said with no hesitation and gave the man in the shadows a quick glance. “Michael, Quinn, I’d like you to meet an old friend of mine.” The man stood up and emerged from the shadows and held out a hand to Mikey. His blonde hair was the first thing Mikey noticed, and then there was the lip ring that shined in the light. “Meet Bob.”

Bob smiled and shook Mikey’s hand. Quinn just stayed where he was and waved a drunken hello. Bob sniffed the air around Mikey and smirked, taking a look at Bert. “Your scent is all over these two, Bert. Don’t you allow anyone to ever shower?” Mikey snatched his hand away at the comment and went to go sit next to Quinn.

“You know how I love to leave my mark on what I own.” He smirked and chuckled lightly. “Anyway, back to our discussion please.”

“Yes, he’s in the North East, last known address was in New York. He’s moved since then.”

“That’s it? Bob, that is not worth a million dollars. I’ll give you half if you have any specific detail on the prince’s whereabouts?”

“I’ll have more to give you later when I’ve done more investigating, but I can tell you this. He goes by Frank Iero.”

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