German Knitting Terms

Apr 03, 2019 11:09

Still playing "catch-up" on my posts!

The crazy still continues with our scheduling. It looks like things will start to slow down next, thank goodness.  Poor Ken.  His back hurts; his hands hurt and his feet hurt.  There are just too many things to deal with at one time.  But he is a trooper.  I am lucky to have him.

Beyond the Basics. From time to time I schedule classes in my Beyond the Basics section for knitters and crocheters that want to learn a little more than basic how to knit and how to crochet. Are you ready to stretch your knitting wings? For these knitting classes you must know how to knit and purl and be able to do so with ease. For the crochet classes you must know how to crochet into your foundation chain, how to chain, single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet and triple crochet. Watch this space for the next Beyond the Basics class announcement. You can register for all of my classes (except those at Michaels) on my website.

Plain & Simple Baby Booties $25 for both sessions or $15 each session

April 11, Session 1 5-7pm

April 25, Session 2 5-7pm

See Denise for homework to be done BEFORE the first class.

Jokes, Sayings & Cartoons.

My Yarn is Organized

Don’t Knit This. This woman doesn’t understand why she must sit at home every Saturday night.  The truth is, she dresses like a cross between a cave woman and a lady of the evening.  I’m not going to tell her.  You tell her.  Or just don’t knit this!

Alone, So Alone

Knitting Terms in Other Languages. Have you ever found a pattern written in another language but were unable to understand it completely enough to knit it?  Today we’re going to learn some German translations.

In Germany, as in France, the terms knit and purl are not used. In Germany they are referred to as right and left stitches or rows (right being the knit side and left the purl side).

abbildung illustrations, diagram
abheben to slip
abketten der Maschen to bind off
abnahmegang decrease row or round
abnahmen the decrease
abnehmen to decrease
abschnitt section
ab wiederholen* repeat from *
anschlagen von Maschen casting on
anschlagen the cast on (stitches)
arbeit work
arbeit wenden turn work
armel sleeve
auffassen pick up
aufgelegt yarn over needle
aufnahme the increase
aufnehmen to increase
ausarbeiten complete, make up
darüber draw over, pull over
die maschen wieder to knit up
aufnehmen doppler unschlag yarn over needle twice
durch eine masche uberziehen sl1, k1, psso
durch zwei maschen uberziehen sl1, k2tog, psso
durchziehen through
einmal once
eine masche uberzogen st. passed over
eine masche abheben slipped st.
eine masche fallen lassen dropped st.
ende der reihe end of the row
fadem yarn
farbe color
farbwechsel change of color
fortlaugend {fortl.} continuing
maschen auf eine hilfsnadel fassen leave sts. on holder
gang round
garn yarn
geschlossene arbeit round or circular knitting
gestrickt knitted
glatte masche stockinette stitch
heruntergefallen maschen aufheben pick up dropped st.
hilfsnadel stitch holder
hohlmaschen lace hole made by YO
im wechsel alternately
krause garter stitch
kettenrand tp cross, cable
kreuzen crossing or cabling
links {li} left
linke {li} purl
linke nadel lefthand needle
luftmasche {LM} yo
mal(s) time(s)
masche(n) {m} stitch(es)
masche links abhenen sl st purlwise
masche rechts abheben sl a st knitwise
maschenglied st (on the needle)
maschenprobe gauge
masse measurements
maschenzahl teilbar durch sts divisible by
muster stitch pattern
muster satz pattern repeat
nach hinten einstechen in back of st
nadel needle
offene arbeit flat knitting
perlenrand edge st, k every row
rand side edge
randmasche edge stitch
rechte masche knit stitch
rechte {re} right, or knit side of work
rechet abnehmen k2tog
reihe {R} row
rückenteil back section
rüchseite wrong, or purl, side of work
runde {RD} round
saum hem
schlinge loop
spitzen muster lace pattern
strickarbeit the knitting
stricken {str} knit
stricknadel knitting needle
strickring circular needle
teil part
überziehen psso
unter under
verdehte twisted or crossed
verschrankete masche crossed st[/td
vorderseite front or right side of work
vorderteril front section
zunahmen increase
zunehmen to increase
zuruck stricken work back to


During an Earthquake: Food and Water Concerns. Safe drinking water.

Water Running from a Faucet

* After an emergency, especially after flooding, drinking water may not be available or safe to drink.

* Do not use water you suspect or have been told is unsafe to wash dishes, brush teeth, wash and prepare food, make ice, or make baby formula.

* Alcohol dehydrates the body, which increases the need for drinking water.

* Floods and other disasters can damage drinking water wells and lead to aquifer and well contamination. Flood waters can contaminate well water with livestock waste, human sewage, chemicals, and other contaminants which can lead to illness when used for drinking, bathing, and other hygiene activities.

* If your water comes from a private well that has been flooded, consider the following guidance for making water safe and for emergency water sources until you are certain your water is free of contaminants and safe to drink.


What’s on My Hooks & Needles? I have lost track of how many hats I’ve knitted. I did knit an Ugly Ass Hat. I am not sure what to do with the UAH. No one deserves this. Today I should finish it. I’ve decided to make something else. I bought the yarn for a child’s sweater and I also may make a cowl this week. We shall see.

I am still on the leg of the second sock that I’ve been working.

Currently on my needles are my mitered squares afghan from left over sock yarn and my purple cashmere merino pullover. All of the fancy work has been done. What is left are miles and miles of Stockinette Stitch and I need to reknit one sleeve.

I still am working on the tax stuff for Angela, our CPA. I hope to have it finished by this weekend.

What’s on your hooks and needles?

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