Jan 31, 2009 01:55
Re: Surely not all Americans believe this tripe?
by LOL_Person 4 hours ago (Fri Jan 30 2009 18:58:34)
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UPDATED Fri Jan 30 2009 19:13:18
Are you saying America deserved 9/11?
If so, did the Jews deserve to die in the Holocaust? Because before WW II they had been kicked out of every single country for hundreds of years, and Hitler thought he would be doing the world a favor by getting rid of the Jews. He figured, "Hey, everyone hates the Jews anyway, so why not just kill all of them?" My point is, many people could claim that the Jews "had it coming" when it comes to the Holocaust, but that doesn't mean they are right by ANY stretch of the imagination.
You know what, I think America DID deserve 9/11. And though I don't condone Bin Laden's actions, you have to admit he does make some pretty good points. I'm glad that Obama is now in office because I'm sure that Obama will forgive Bin Laden for what he did, which is what Bush should have done right after 9/11! When Obama forgives Bin Laden and embraces Al-Qaeda as friends, I truly believe that terrorism will end and a new age of peace and enlightment will begin.
And about the Holocaust? Well, Hitler wasn't evil. "Good" and "Evil" are just relative terms. According to him, he thought what he was doing was right, just like how Osama Bin Laden thought what he was doing was right. The world isn't so black and white as "good guys" and "bad guys."
--Edit: this whole thing is the IMDB post, the second part was not written by me