Джон Буль и американцы

Apr 14, 2014 14:48

English: JOHNNY BULL and the ALEXANDRIANS (1814) By William Charles Engraving, Political cartoon.

John Bull: "I must have all your Flour,_ All your Tobacco,_ All your Provisions,_ All your Ships,_ All your Merchandize,_ every thing except your Porter and Perry,_ keep them out of my sight, I've had enough of them already._"

Kneeling American: "Pray Mr Bull don't be too hard with us._ You know we were always friendly, even in the time of our Embargo!_"

British Soldier 1: "Push on Jack, the yankeys are not all so Cowardly as these Fellows here_ let's make the best of our time._"

British Soldier 2 (Jack): "Huzza boys!!! More Rum more Tobacco!_"

Bull is holding a long scroll titled Terms of Capitulation. David Porter and Oliver Perry were American heroes of the War of 1812.

Jack is holding three kegs labeled BEST Virginia, N.E. RUM, and BEST Virginia, respectively

Джон Буль поставил американцев на колени и диктует им условия капитуляции. Уильям Чарльз (William Charles, 1776-1820, родился в Шотландии, эмигрировал в Америку в 1806) на этой картинке проехался по жителям Александрии, штат Виргиния, которые капитулировали перед англичанами.

Русский медведь предлагает посредничество Джону Булю и Америке (безуспешно):
ohn Bull: Pray Mr Bruin try if you can make up this little Difference between us-The Wasps and Hornets have Stung me so hard I wish I had never disturbed their Nests.

Bruin: Let me unite your hands Madam-Johny and I have been very friendly since I sent him my Fleet to take care of----

Columbia: I thank you Mr Bruin but I cannot trust the Bull. 'Tho he has promised to draw his HORNS he must be safe bound to the Stake before I treat with him.

"Кто не скачет тот пендос" (шутка) Король Георг III призывает Род-Айленд, Массачусетс и Коннектикут прыгать в его объятия. Тимоти Пикеринг, лидер сецессионистов, выступавших за сепаратный мир штатов Новой Англии с Британией, молится, чтобы прыгнули наконец. Тогда он сможет сменить свое вульгарное имя на титул лорда Эссекса (намек на место, где родился Пикеринг и на его лидерство в "эссекской хунте" - группе сецессионистов)

Pickering is shown on his knees in the center, saying: "I, Strongly and most fervently pray for the success of this great leap which will change my vulgar name into that of my Lord of Essex. God save the King." [3] (Pickering lived in Essex County, Massachusetts.)
On a cliff above him, Massachusetts, pulls Rhode Island and Connecticut toward the edge.[3]
Massachusetts says: What a dangerous leap!!! but we must jump Brother Conn.
Connecticut: I cannot Brother Mass; let me pray and fast some time longer-little Rhode will jump the first.[3]
Rhode Island: Poor little I, what will become of me? this leap is of a frightful size-I sink into despondency.[3]
On the right, George III calls: "O'tis my Yankey boys! jump in my fine fellows; plenty molasses and Codfish; plenty of goods to Smuggle; Honours, titles and Nobility into the bargain."[3]
In the lower lefthand corner is a medallion inscribed with the names of Perry, McDonough, Hull, and other heroes of the War of 1812. The ribbon on the medallion reads, "This is the produce of the land they wish to abandon."[3]

Джона Буля бьют под Балтимором
American soldier prods John Bull (a bull in seaman's outfit) and says: "Oh! hoh! -- Johnny you thought you had Alexandrians to deal with did you -- But we'll teach you to know what a flogging is!!!"
John Bull: "Mercy! mercy on me -- What fellows those Baltimoreans are -- After the example of the Alexandrians I thought I had nothing to do but enter the Town and carry off the Booty -- And here is nothing but Defeat and Disgrace!!!"
On the right a mounted officer, possibly Admiral Cockburn urges the British to turn and fight: "What's the Matter! you Cowardly rascals! Back back and execute the orders of your Government --We must attack every point that's assailable!"
A Highlander replies: "In gude troth Admiral I think ye are as mad as our government Dinna ye ken the General's kilt -- ye must only attack sie places as Hampton, Havre de Grace, or Alexandria."
In the background an American sniper fires at mounted Scottish General Robert Ross.
Sniper: "Now for this Chap on Horseback with the plaid Bonnet on -- There -- there's a Rifle pill for you -- Thats a quietus."
Ross: "Deil [sic] tak that Republican rascal wi his Rifle gun for he's blawn my brains out."

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карикатурист, картинки, Уильям Чарльз, Англия, полезные ссылки, Джон Буль, США, история Нового Времени

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