Jun 19, 2008 20:31
Thoughts on the energy crises:
1. The earth and its resources exist for the benefit of humanity. As the Bible says, people are to go forth and subdue the earth. The earth exists to be used and altered to benefit people and improve their well being. It does not exist to just sit there. To say it does would be like giving a child a new bicycle only to not let them ever use it for their gain for fear they may get it dirty or wear it out in some way. In such case, what is the point of making the bike to begin with? I say every drop of oil or any other energy source whether it be offshore, Alaska, or where ever should be drilled for by profit seeking capitalists who either homestead the land to drill or gain it by receiving it voluntarily from previous owners. There should be a completely unrestricted market for oil production as well as for the production of alternative energy sources. Those who think that alternative sources are the way to go should be completely free to invest their own or other investor's money into the production of them. If such ventures are too costly and not profitable, they should not be able to loot others through government to fund them. Forcing people to pay for things of whose costs exceed their benefits only works to impoverish people and only through the market can we know if that is happening or not. Also, it is ridiculous to talk about our addiction to oil. There is nothing wrong with being dependent on something that benefits you. It would be like saying we must stop our addiction to bread and instead eat something else. It doesn't make sense.
2. Stop devaluing the money through the printing and inflating of paper money. Much of the reason for the high cost of oil is due to the weakening dollar due to the inflationary policies of the federal reserve. Abolish the fed and return to a sound currency based on gold and silver.
3. Stop bombing people. Trade and talk to people in the Middle East and everywhere else. Don't threaten and kill people for the stupid and irrational belief that democracy at the point of a gun is going to save the world.