Jul 05, 2005 22:14
Today is probably the most I have ever been scared. My doctor found a few things wrong with my blood test. First off, my cholesterol level is slightly high. Uhg.. that was something that I expected because im such a sucker for fat and sugar. Honestly, I thought my blood sugar level would be to the roof but at least this is something I have control over. :) With some exercise and good eating I can get that down in a few weeks. But the other thing scared me. My doctor said that my white blood cell level was kinda low. What the heck does that mean? I was freaking out because you know how if your white blood cell level is too high, you have leukemia or another type of cancer. What does it mean when its too low? The only other explantion I could find in one of my medical books (p.s.- I want to be a doctor or nurse practitioner.) was that I might have leukopenia. Thats when your white blood cell count is too low. But did she say it was too low? Oh god.. im soo scared. What if i'm sick or something? She said it could be because my body is trying to fight off an infection or something.. either way they want me to come back for more testing in 6 weeks. I may just be going insane of something so silly.. but what if it's not? I just keep thinking that if I were to die, there are soo many things in my life that I haven't done yet.
1. Go to college
2. Become a doctor or nurse
3. Get married
4. Have kids
lol.. big dreams!!! There are also alot of things that i want to change in my life and this got me thinking. Why wait until your dying to start changing things. I'm not saying im dying.. GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE!!!lol I want to start changing now and live my life to the fullest. I may just sound crazy but im serious. It could be one of our times tomorrow and we should all live to the fullest. Anyway, I wont tell you to BUGGER OFF tonight because I honestly want someone to think about what I said.