Jan 31, 2005 22:04
That was fun. I have never skied before and the ski instructors were super helpful. My plow sucks, but i liked falling in the snow anyhow. Sasha was really good at the whole thing. Looking up off the hill it was like the world was on a radical tilt. I was looking into a valley from a steep edge and my heart was just soaring. beautiful!
It was also crazy how quiet the top (quote unquote)was. Everything was so still .. you could barely hear the other skiers or the sound of the chug a lug t bar...
GAYPOINT: I fell twice near the lift. The first time the liftie guy helped me up and i looked like an idiot
the second time i fell on to the tbar like 1 foot away from the liftie and helped me up and i looked like a BIGGER idiot.. hahah go self-esteem (faaaaaaaat)