Jul 25, 2005 13:33
As a disclaimer, I'm not bashing ESPN right now, just point out two little things I don't agree with.
I'm reading ESPN's website, as I routinely do, and first saw an article about stupid sports rules. Very funny article, with both good and bad points. I, however, cannot agree with the idea that intentional walks should be banned, or something. Intentional walks don't happen that often, but there's a hell of alot more to the game of baseball then just home runs. Sure, it's fun to see someone jack one over the wall, but sometimes its about defense and pitching and just strategy in general. Am I alone on this, in thinking that the intentional walk (or walks in general) are exciting as well?
The other thing I saw was the article about RFK having different dimensions than what was reported officially. The author of the article makes the argument that the Nats haven't been hitting "...because they suddenly realized they are playing in the Astrodome." I know the Nats can't hit, and just aren't a good offense team, but to equate their problems to something as retarded as how far the fences are is just ridiculous. I don't think the Nationals were sitting around and suddenly realized how far out those damn things are and thought, "Hey, that's intimidating! I'm not sure I can hit that far!" It's more like the Nats just can't hit in general.
Stop trying to blame things on independent things, and focus on the fact that this Washington team just can't hit and needs to make a good trade for a hitter. What say you?