Nice. Not too terribly stressful. A couple of large tasks accomplished.
- Completed a six-month "extra-curricular" course at the N&O.
- Dinner w/ saspenguin and Jason.
- Moved out of Whitaker Park, along with several other people. Found out there have been a variety of dates thrown around for people to move out, such as "right now." It was claimed, however, that my apt. is being rented out until May.
- Cleaned apt.
- Discovered a headboard travels quite nicely on the roof rack.
- deviant_ was in town so Robin, myself, deviant_, ambermae and gorski got together for beer. Had Magic Hat No. 9 for the first time, and a black currant lambic. Both tasty.
- Saw Clash of the Titans with R, ambermae, gorski and badger after badger put the event on our radar a few weeks ago.
- Flickr outing Tues. 10/03.