Women's Equality Day

Aug 26, 2012 18:15

So it's Women's Equality Day, which is the day women got the right to vote. Well, white women anyway... >> Gotta start somewhere, I suppose. Anyway, to celebrate, I thought I'd mention a few ladies in my life who have greatly inspired me, who have risen above and gone beyond. Or, you know, are just kick-ass women. Names will be changed to protect those who can't spell names.

1. Mary: She was a priest at my old church. Yep, straight-up priest, and one of the first and most successful at that particular church. Yes, it is a rather liberal church, but only recently (read: in the past 30 years) allowed women to be ordained into the priesthood. She worked her ass off to be a highly respected member of the clergy and didn't take no shit from haters. For real. Plus she was fluent in ASL, and often would translate the services for the hearing impaired on Sundays. I'm from an Armenian family, and my parents are very conservative and traditional. Before Mary, I had always thought priesthood was an all boys' club. Mary told me different.

2. My grandmother, Norma. She was one kickass lady. She raised three children with an iron hand and loving heart, and took no shit from teenagers. She raised plants to the point that almost every inch of their property was covered in something green. Like, seriously. The hallway. The bathroom. Plus, at the age of 80-something, she published a novel. You aren;t ever too old for anything.

3. My boss. She's the general manager at the restaurant I work at, and she runs it like a ship. Everything is so efficient and on point. Honestly, if her AGM didn't undermine half the shit she tries to accomplish, we'd have just about the best-run store in the company. She commands the respect from her DM and many of the corporate men. Oh yes, and she's aspiring to get into corporate, which is a complete sausage-fest. Her undeterred determination doesn't sway her, though. She's accomplished so much in the ten years she's been in the company, all the while starting and raising a family. Gurl is fierce. 

inspirational poast, feminism

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