Another Obnoxious Company that Treats Users Like Dirt

Apr 25, 2007 11:52

I've been using Jasc Paint Shop Pro for ages. Unfortunately they were bought by Corel and the Corel marketing scum started working on it. They added the InstallShield update manager, an obnoxious piece of software that works like a Trojan horse. It regularly pops up a window telling me that there is a new version of Paint Shop Pro which I should buy for 55% less.

I would gladly buy it, if it weren't for the Corel's way of pushing it. The message pops up regularly and there is no obvious way of turning it off. There is a tiny help link, which tells me that I should click on some non-existing button or link called "Settings". I've found a Corel bulletin board post that addresses this problem (so the bastards are aware of it!). It tells me that I have to download the uninstaller from InstallShield web site.

Corel is officially the Enemy of the User!


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