No Need for The Final Battle?

Feb 21, 2010 16:03

After a hour an a half trip last's time to let out this dark secret i've been keeping to myself and led a few know...

I don't how to even begin's been hurting me since late January. The truth is everybody...

I have been diagnosed with stage 0 liver cancer.

and today, I decided to head to the hospital after last night's incident because what my doctor had feared, has come true. aparently the cancer cells are slowly taking the effect to my brain, but hitting the part he didn't want to get hit. my emotions...

he feared it some horrific thing messes with my emotions, it might start spreading soon. because of my horrible childhood with the unfortunate events that left me scarred for life & messed up my emotions, it seems that emotions are slowly starting to effect me. even this morning I noticed I was more cold & more down and I didn't know why. So I called and asked if I can immediatly see him. I did so, was given a scan and he couldn't believe it was getting closer. so now he's going to be taking me off my current medication since I'm going to be starting kimo soon but now he's going to be giving me stress supressors & anti-depression medication starting wednesday.

the only thing left for me is a surgery to my liver that will take place shortly...but the surgeon forewarned that there is a 50% chance I won't make it due to my body's structure and mass. the surgery is guranteed to be before fanime. as far as when I'll hit stage 1, it was estimated to be during fanime if not just after fanime.

I do believe that if it is my time to go, then I will go. I can only hope for the best at this point. life is to short to be wasted now...

I must fight one more time for survival. I want to win this and live to see another day...
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