its yet another day. Things have been oddly busy around here yet
boring and uneventfull. I don't quite get it really, its like I
keep waiting for something big to happen and nothing does... I'm
sortta on edge and disapointed every moment because what ever is
suposed to happen decides not to and I'm left like a child expecting
his mother to come and pick him up after school and when she never
shows up, he has to feel sorry, cause things really arn't his fault,
and he knows that everyone else doesn't really wanna hang around untill
someone gets thier shit together. I really busted my ass
practicing the violin this summer. My teacher says that it is
well enough time for my very own full recital. This means that
there will be an hour dedicated to me for people to show up and listen
to what ever music I have worked so long to be able to make, and this
also makes me nervous, because it seems as if this is all I have left
to define who I was, and who I have become now; the only thing that has
been there for as long as it was somewhere to be. I am learing
how it is to be alone, and also how to entertain myself, really, I
think that once someone spends thier time with someone, they never
really think for themselves anymore, and they rely on their other to
help them out, every step, so most of your time is spent talking to
someone who you have become quite comfortable doing nothing with.
Then as beautiful and fabulous as that was, alone, you realize that
doing nothing alone just isn't good enough, so at first you go out of
your way in an almost fanatic sense to find someone to occupy you,
because you can't stand being alone. Once you realize that no one
really can be there for you because they don't satisfy you, or they are
too busy, or you really just don't satisfy you either, you look around
for things that you can do, ways to improve, creation, literature,
art. I've never thought I've really had a significant
ammount of any gift, my pictures are all sub par, my music is a shadow
of perfection and completeness, and and far as my writing goes, I
can't really say I thrill myself anyways, and I'm sure the 3 people
that may glance at this every now and again are tired of me whining
anyways. You know, next time I post, I'll try and make it
fun. Sorry.