Apr 19, 2010 22:53
So(I don't know how to indent paragraphs in lj tab doesn't work) . I just read that Mr. Lucas, is releasing the 6 star wars movies on Blu-ray sometime in the near future. But it was also hinted that this wouldn't be the ultimate version of the 2 trilogies so I'm uncertain as to he hopes to accomplish by releasing this intial, non-ultimate blu-rays. Are they just a stop-gap until he releases the original trilogy in 3d? Why George why. We get it, you love those movies...so do I but how many times must I buy them. I mean if you're to remake something, why not remake American Graphitti or THX. Those haven't been done to death. It's not like you need the money what with your toys and your cartoons, and your never to be released live action tv show. Eh, maybe I'm just ranting?