Update Because I Never Post Here Anymore...

Oct 03, 2008 14:13

I'm pretty sure everybody that reads here also reads my MySpace blogs, but I figured I'd drop one here just so this isn't my "piss and moan" blog.

I'm moving out of my apartment. It's too damn expensive, and I need space for the pup. I've got a couple of friends wanting a change of pace, so we're gonna rent a house. The rental market here in El Paso is really good- you can rent a BIG house for around $1000/mo. That makes a 400/300/300 split, with me paying the 400 and getting run of the garage (which I'm going to turn into a man cave- workout space, office, game room, etc).

I've finally started going out again. It was a bit of a shock to my social life when all of my close friends moved out of town all at once. Not easy to go out when your remaining friend is Zakk, who doesn't like to drink and drinks like a girl when he does. Sorry to sound chauvinistic, but if you're a dude, you should drink straight liquor or beer. Basic mixers can be forgiven if they're an occasional indulgence rather than the rule (in other words, if you sometimes want to down a gin and tonic), but if you're drinking a drink with a cute name and a pastel color, go sell your balls, because you clearly don't use them.

Anyway, I've connected with a few old friends, which is good, but a couple of them aren't on the best terms with Yeti, and he holds a grudge like nobody else, so while the bullshit happened about 7 years ago, he still hates them with the fire of one thousand suns. This means if he finds out I'm hanging out with them again, he'll consider it betrayal of the highest order. But hey, it's his fault he had a kid, so fuck him. If he were still available, I wouldn't be in this situation.

They're not the only two, anyway. A buddy of mine from my guitar class way back, an ex girlfriend and a couple of prospects, as well as whatever randoms decide to join us, they all make up this new amalgamation of friends I've collected.

I've been limiting myself to only going out Fridays and Saturdays- easier on the wallet and the gut. Besides the not partying, I've been working out and closely monitoring my caloric intake. These three elements combined mean I've dropped to about 204 (give or take), which is 25 pounds less than the heaviest I've been this year, about 35 pounds less than the heaviest I've ever been, and well on my way down to my target weight. The nice thing is, it's coming off in noticeable places- my ass and gut, to be exact. It's nice, looking more like a normal human when I walk.

The dog is good- he's growing like a weed, though now it's all in the muscles and such. He's hit his ideal length and height (a testament to how good my breeder is: many purebred dogs are way big or long or heavy compared to their breed standard, and aren't showable), and is filling out nicely. He's beautifully marked, and clearly comes from a show line- if I hadn't had to have his balls out due to that non-descended testicle, he'd be a great dog to show. At some point, I'll post pictures- he looks just like his daddy, who was a beautiful dog to boot.

Anyway, off to pack more. Take care.
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