Game journals and stuff

Aug 29, 2011 05:53

Geist: Balance of Shadows went well tonight. I enjoyed the hell out of it. It was a party that has been building up for awhile. We did not finish but we got pretty far. And I'd rather go slow and take more then one session then rush it and do one.

My Geist Journals are continuing to get a lot of views. 30,641 30,646 at this writing, and it will be higher by the time you are reading this. Feedback is decent, a couple people regularly post responses, and we get a few others from time to time, I also get PMs. Journals are here on White and here on I'll note almost all commentary and PMs come from the White Wolf site. Which is doubtlessly partially because the WW one is in a Geist forum, while the one is in an Actual Play forum. Unfortunately despite being a much larger site, the one gets a few thousand less views and fraction of the comments. Part of this seems to be because of the culture, too; I almost never get comments there.

Part of my issue from this has to do with a different game, as I get good Geist comments off WW at least. Castle Falkenstein has journals here and about 3,070 views over the past 4 months (pretty good) which will, again, be higher when you read this. And, sadly, not comment one. No PMs either. This is frustrating because well for one I am very proud of how that game is going but also because I am dealing with so much late 19th century research I'd love to get discussion going. Sadly, Castle Falkenstein discussion on dies pretty fast, and unlike Geist I don't have a handy other forum to discuss it on.

Of course, we are using our houseruled Karma system DJ Gasmask designed even if we did, but that does not impact the setting.

The end result is I have a lot of interesting stuff to me going on with it and no good outlet for discussion or feedback. I get (and value!) feedback from my players of course, but not much on that game beyond that. And given all the historical figures I am juggling and research I have done that gives me a sad. Having been on the web discussing games 18 years now, I have to urge to chat about it on the internet...and CF discussion on the internet is pretty hard to find.

Man alive it has been fun to research for though. Going through Hapsburg records,Borbón stuff, etc. has been fascinating. I've learned a lot about Eastern Europe in general It has also only increased my desire to go to Prague, and back to Vienna. CF has certainly been up there with Scion this time around for the sheer amount I am learning. Even my players have easily picked up a college course worth by now. It amazes me how much I never knew about this region, too. I wager many Americans don't. It's really interesting.

Of course there are worse problems to have then lack of quality CF discussion on the web. My life is OK these days. Both Scion games are doing well too (of course they both started a new story at the same time, that is always rough) and I am enjoying Trent Steele's M&M game.

Hope folks are doing well, take care.
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