Whether you like Taylor Swift or not, you should
listen to this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As5kduibNcw Oh, an in the comments someone said
" IS is true???? Is it for a girl with bulimia?????
Taylor wrote that, and help her??? Wow, and she wasn't her friend not?????
IS it true??? "
And some one replied
"Haha chill out.
Yeah for her anorexic friend. "
but that made me crack up! No joke, like for ten minutes. I was rolling around on my floor laughing. By myself.
And then I listened to the song again and it made me want to cry.
But now when I started typing this I started laughing again.
Yeah, I'm just THAT fucking crazy.
Note: There is NOTHING funny about eating disorders, but for SOME strange reason I found this girls reaction to be hilarious. And that persons response to her reaction.