Apr 29, 2005 13:46
So I finished my 220 mile trek to the Dad’s house, none the worse for wear. It took about 5 hours (with a few stops), or 5 CDs worth. I haven’t driven that long in a while, and it was good to just bore some of my music straight into my brain. There are certain decibles I can only subject myself to when I’m driving alone, and today was a good day to ruin some ear-drums. Tell me if anyone else gets this. There are certain songs that I find give me this weird tingling sensation in the back of my neck. It usually happens when there’s a radical change in the way the song is going, or if there is a sudden lack of music. It’s hard to explain, but if it happesn to you, I bet you know what I’m talking about. I did my best to listen to as many of those songs as I could today. It works much better at higher volumes.
It was nice to drive like that for so long. Nothing but the open road, good music, and an extra large coke. (Sidenote: I only peed once today. Weird.) I did a lot of thinking and a lot of soul-searching, trying to figure out which direction my life wants to go. Tell ya what though, I don’t think it knows any better than I do. Or maybe it does, but it just fears change.
The ocean was awesome. Some Japanese tourists and I spent about a half hour just sitting on the beach and taking pictures. They were busily talking in their native tongue, taking pictures of each other and just enjoying the beach. I tried to understand what they were saying, and smiled politely as I took pictures of them and the ocean. I wonder if they saw me…
I got to dad’s house and we cut some of the rotted limbs off of the trees on his property, then had a discussion on religion, and how he’s kinda disappointed that I don’t believe in Jesus. It was interesting to talk to him like an adult and have him respond in kind. I don’t know if any of my points made sense to him or if he was just humoring me, but it was still kinda nice.
So then I went off to hunt down a wireless network in Forks, WA. (Come see the Forks Timber Mill Museum, it’s almost better than dieing!) I drove around for about 15 minutes with my laptop sitting in the passenger seat, pressing the “Refresh Wireless Network List” button every few seconds. There was a suprising amount of Wireless networks, but none anywhere I wanted to stop. I finally found a good signal near an open lot with a few rusty cars parked in it. I sidled in next to a pile of metal that used to be a car, and starting acquiring some networkage. Of course, then a cop drove by, staring at me. I had no desire to tangle with the local five oh, so I headed back to dads. Long story short, I ended up parking in front of some gardening store that had a lovely unsecured wireless network, and jacked in to Warcraft for about ten minutes. I set Andrew some dumb messages on AIM, and then was off, my batteries depleted.
Came back to dad’s place, watched a ZIM DVD, and now I’m here, going to bed earlier than I have in at least a week.
Well, that’s it for me. I may or may not be psoting more regularly, so don’t get your hopes up.
Aaron out.