ANNOUNCEMENT! (It’s Probably What You Think It Is)

Jul 01, 2012 20:50

Yes, since we have been married for more than 2 seconds, we are having a baby as is legally and socially required! (That last part is sarcasm. A lot of sarcasm. Almost an infinite amount of sarcasm.)

TL;DR version: I am almost halfway through and due on November 29. We aren’t sure if we want to find out ahead of time if it’s a boy or a girl. We are excited and I am also a bit scared!

From back around 11 weeks

Pregnancy So Far

Protip: don’t get pregnant during Girl Scout Cookie Season. Thanks to Tagalongs I looked pregnant way before I should have.

Protip 2: get pregnant during Lent, then you can say you gave up alcohol for Lent! Alas, as a nonbeliever, I couldn’t use this excuse.

I had a few people tell me in the past that they loved being pregnant. THESE PEOPLE ARE SPREADING LIES AND FALSE HOPES. So far I am not a huge fan and I’m not even in the really sucky parts yet. I was pretty nauseous during the traditional 6-10 Weeks period. Pregnancy hormones do weird shit to your body without your permission. There are foods I used to like that I can’t even look at anymore (most meats, actually, which is all I really ate, which means I am starving). It makes me really tired and I don’t seem to have brain space for much else, which is why my Birthday Resolutions have been abandoned for a while. I can’t wait to be done and I know everyone who has ever been pregnant is laughing really hard at me right now for saying that this early in the game.

We waited until after the first check for chromosomal abnormalities to tell anyone, even our parents. There are a few rare ones that are referred to as “incompatible with life” and we wanted to rule those out before we got our families excited. So far everyone we’ve told is really happy! My dad spent the whole evening talking about how awesome it is to have kids, and my mom has started buying me clothes and researching cribs.

We told most people pretty straightforwardly but I did have fun imagining other ways to tell friends:

Rejected Baby Announcement Methods
- Invite friends over to watch “Alien,” follow up with “Speaking of things that grow inside your torso then burst out covered in blood...” (rejected because eww)
- Put a “Big Brother” shirt on Loki (rejected because of high probability of bodily injury to all humans present, also people will think I’m having kittens)
- Tell family they won’t need to get a Thanksgiving turkey because we’ll be bringing several pounds of fresh, tender meat (rejected because cannibalism is wrong)
- Send Facebook Friend Requests from the fetus (rejected because eww) (I only thought of this because several months ago, our friend got a friend request from someone with our last name and “Jr.” on the end and teasingly asked us if that was our baby.)

If you have any suggestions for things to buy, let me know. I don’t see any point to repeating other people’s research so I’m mostly going to steal all my friends’ ideas/decisions. And if you have non-scary/non-gross stories to share about having kids I’d love to hear them! (Note: all birth stories are scary to me so far, sorry.)

holy crap i'm having a baby, carlos

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