In Which I Ruin My Cat's Natural Hilarity By Adding Captions Of My Own

Apr 04, 2007 21:37

I am sure you are tired of pictures of my cat, but he's crazy and I feel the need to document this fact on the internet.

"Oh God, she's blogging again."

The potatoes are trying to eat him!
Actually this picture was to show you how gross I am because I let these things grow this big inside my cabinet.

"DUDE.  I got SO WASTED last night, I spent ALL DAY with my head in the toilet.  And the rest of my body too."

You can stop taking pictures of Loki in the toilet now.

Checking Carlos' plumbing job.
If this were cat_macros I'd call this "Invisible Plumber's License."

I... have no words for this one.

(Thanks to Carlos for the toilet pics, since I missed it in person.)

Now check out the scary noises from my backyard!  The videos are from about a week ago.

You have to wait until the end of this video, but it's good and loud.  It must have been right in the backyard.

By the time I got the blinds open and found a flashlight it had moved farther down the stream.  The sound is quieter but more frequent in this video.

We heard a similar noise once this winter, but it sounded even more like human screaming then (we did go outside and make sure no one was being murdered, but we never saw anything).  I have been assuming it is a fox because I saw a couple several times this winter (and it sounds like small, red barking, doesn't it?), but my dad said it might have been an owl too.  The people at urban_nature think it's a fox too.

Here in the mid-Atlantic, it is starting to be hummingbird season.  I need to get my feeder out!

Two quick TV things:

The season finale of BSG finally broke me.  I've been replacing "fuck" with "frak" inside my head ever since then.  I haven't said it out loud yet but it's only a matter of time!  Also, I have NO CLUE what is going on on that show, and it's awesome.  Also yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for certain people returning.  (I am too lazy for spoiler-censoring right now.)

The season premiere of Doctor Who (because I totally live in the UK where it aired... shhh...) was really cool.  I am so in love with that show, and the Doctor, and Rose and maybe (probably) New Rose.  I think I'll elaborate later, I'm just wondering who else is watching it.

Ummmm I need to post a ton more but I think it will have to wait until another day.

cats, loki, bsg, birds/nature, picspam, video, backyard, fangirling, tv, doctor who

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