ha ha, guess what i found? that's right, more mcr photos hidden away on my computer, which i hadn't even bothered to check the first time around. (all the others were from my flashdrive.)
so this is going to be more of a disorganized dump, but you probably won't mind too much.
page 1page 2page 3page 4 i KNEW i had more brian files somewhere! here are a bunch of pictures with brian in them! \o/
this one is like a SUPER BONUS photo, because not only does it have brian, but also gerard, patrick, andy and pete! yay, vma's!
i love how half the time he's got his hands on one of them. ♥
frankie's birthday! ♥
♥ i ADORE this photo of brian and worm dragging frankie away from the fans. ♥
mmmm. brian.
and now here are some more pictures of frankie.
bb!frank is cuuuuute.
i could look at these all day...
i LOVE fuzzy frank.
and here's where we begin the randomness. sorry, folks, but i just don't have time for sorting today. =D
more unholyverse!!!
bob is a BEAUTIFUL man. just saying.
mikey's hair is CRACKING ME UP.
bb!mcr. ♥
i don't even know, you guys. i just love him.
is it weird to want to climb all over a guy who's only 5'4"?
because i do. badly.
from the 'desolation row' video.
the end. i think.