Mar 19, 2007 22:28
So I commented on a picture of two birds sexing each other saying "damn, thats hot" and some middle eastern guy responded by calling me a typical westerner and such. I called him narrow-minded and then he sent me this email...
You said me narrow minded ???!!!!!
Only western peoples have "narrow minded" brains !
If a persons says: “Love for sex” is a wrong approach,
the person means Love is a holy “heart feeling”. Like you love your mother and fahter. This sentence is NOT MEANING “I love my mother in that case, I want to sex with my mother” ! Can’t your empty skull understand this ????? I love GOD very much means SAME with
I love my mother very much
I love my father very much
I love my brother very much
I love my sister very much
I love my son very much
could you understand ????
I will save your e-mail Because
I know the TRUTH and you don't know !
I speak with GOD but, you can’t speak !
I work for devoloping myself everday and you don't work for ... !( I have read over 600,000 pages in my life. What about you ? )
I wanted to say in my comment : Western people only listen what their FLESHes say, NOT their SOULs ! They listen firstly and always sayings of their fleshes !!!
we MUST LISTEN FIRSTLY what our souls and hearts say if we want understand GOD and LOVE !
Can you write about GOD two pages ? No... Absolutely NO ? Can you write two pages about your SOUL ? No...Absolutely NO ( If you say
I can, please send me them !!! )
You can only write about your endless wishes; and you never think about HUMAN and DIE !
HUMAN is not an ANIMAL ! Even endless wishes shows that human is endless . A mortal being can never have ENDLESS whishes. GOD is endless and GOD's best friends( HUMAN) are also endless.
Please watch the video “The Inner Life of The Cell”
Adress is here:
( for high resolution video, please go to “biovisions” website ! )
Have you seen “the walking balloons” in this video ?
ONE HUMAN BODY have about more than
3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of this “alive walking balloons” !!!!!!
This figure is bigger than number of all tree leafs of the world !!!!!!!!
They are walking and walking and walking........ NEVER STOP !
Think about that
God created them and gave to them this task ! And they are walking to keep alive YOU !!!!!
Shortly ,
You can only understand “What is love ?”
If you become a Muslim;
(SENTENCE: Love for sex is a wrong western approach . Sex can only be one of results of love of between a woman and man . BUT, Real Love is a holy and soul originated (not body) feeling . And Real Love is most important thing of universe !!!!!)
You can only understand the sentence above if you become a Muslim
If you don’t become a Muslim,
if you don’t interest about the question of “why do the
3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of walking ballons walk for ME?”
You can only be an ANIMAL which only eats, drinks, makes sex and dies !!!!!!
Please listen me ! Think about truths ! Research Islam ! Become a Muslim ! Meet with ALLAH ! Finally, become a HUMAN (Rescue yourself from becoming an animal) Only Islam can make a HUMAN from an animal ! And a "real HUMAN" never DIE (Only an animal die) ! Don’t forget this !
Thanks for your interest of my comment
Lonely Walnut Tree (This is my village’s name, I am not alone !)
Who is among best friends of ALLAH (The Name of GOD)
Hope you enjoyed that. At least I got a good laugh out of it.