
Dec 21, 2011 12:04

This time of year brings my soul to life. I can feel it's energy penetrating every aspect of my Self. It isn't just a Christmas thing either. Christmas is a big part, as a child I would get so charged up with the carols and stories and decorations,candy,food,company,on and on. There is so much more to me, the weather, cold bite in the air, brisk winds, snow and the hunkering down effect. The change of seasons is probably the most profound to me. Coming off the beauty of Autum with its finale celebration of summer harvest,Winter brings stark contrast.

For me winter brings a time to settle down reflect a bit and begin to foresee the coming year. As you would sit down and plan out a garden plot, I enjoy the contemplation of where I might like to journey . I know this year I will be thinking a lot about moving forward and what I want to sample from life next. I had written earlier how a challenge had brought back my belief in being alive. Now I find so much life in music that I know it will be a much bigger part of who I am moving forward.

Paying forward will also be on my menue of mullings this Winter. So much was done for me and I have seen so much being done for others recently . The energy from this moves my heart and brings about a bit of peace. Giving of one's Self earns special karma points.

Things will be different this year for it is now that I make conscious decisions about my abilities and endurance. I know in years past my thoughts of what I desired for the next year would be LaRgE and challenging. It is who I was after all. Now I will take much smaller bites and maybe a slower pace. Hopefully this leads to a more peaceful and enjoyable experience all around.

As always family is my joy and my love. This time of year brings about time to spend with family . things can get to be a bit more confined but I like the idea of the snuggling up , or sleeping over the winter in your cave. Once again it just seems natural to me.

To my friends: my this season of light return to you a gift of life that is rich with opportunity and fruitful with its treasures.


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