stepping into somethnig new

Sep 20, 2011 09:47

Yesterday I took the first real step in delevoping my new self. I signed up for a UW continuing education class for beginner Mandolin.  I was looking forward to this 10 week class knowing if I put effort into learning what was being taught I would be a skilled Mando player ready to push that forward. As I was walking to the Fine Arts Center on campus I had to tak a deep breath of that crisp fall air knowing that I was once again " on campus" , This bulding is huge and having never been thereI was on my own to find my room. I had planned ahead for that ( first change of the day) so I had pleanty of time to snoop arpound. I entered the bulding on what I thought was the 2nd floor turning out to the 3rd floor. ok fine , I  walked down the hall hearing, trumpets in one room, and violas playing off in a distant other, walking past doors where small orchastras were rehearsing, and singers across the hall. I caught my pace alt almost a trot, my heart was pounding and a smile was challenging to show every one of my teeth. I stopped myself for a moment just so I could take in the environment. Yes Barney you are amound many others who are all learning,playong, thinking about and loving music. Suddenly becoming the new me was looking like a very interesting venture. At least this part. A few more turns and I see two gentlemen holding mandolins and I know I have found my way. It is going to be interesting in a few weeks after we all get a bit more used to our instruments how 11 mandos will sound attempting to play the same song. I am thankful for having the energy to persue this   


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