...and then Buffy staked Edward, the end.

Oct 03, 2009 00:18

My bookmark list is in desperate need of clearing out. Link roundup time.

- Extreme LED sheep art. The fact that there's people out there coming up with things like this make me love the world.

- Two Mario parodies: Luigi Finally Snaps and Bowser's Minions

- ...and then Buffy staked Edward, the end.

- Is it possible to make Barbie dolls and claymation Tetris blocks NSFW?


- Ocean's 11, Muppet style.

- 80s hits interpreted for ragtime piano. Ragtime rickroll included, of course.

- I didn't know the Tom Fun Orchestra had music videos out. Love the psychedelic one for Watchmaker.

- Betty Bowers explains traditional marriage for all us filthy sinners.

- All My Little Words, as played on...Gameboy.

- The 9 Greatest Fan Films Ever Made. Love the "Troops" one on the second page.

- Deadline.

- Courtesy of Improv Everywhere: Food Court Musical, High Five Escalator, and Frozen Grand Central.

- And a few videos from Those Aren't Muskets: Internet Intervention, Damn You Batman, and Future House


- Oh that wacky vintage sexism.

- Used tire art.

- If you've ever wondered what baby platypuses or hedgehogs look like, wonder no more.

- Cracked.com stuff: 7 Items You Won't Believe Are Actually Legal, 17 Great Historical Moments Ruined By Modern Technology, 6 Real Islands Way More Terrifying Than the One On Lost

- The 10 Most Shafted Characters From Lost.

- The Forensics of Fire. The forensics geek in me loves this kind of stuff.

- Zombies Denied Social Security. OH WEEKLY WORLD NEWS.

- We all know how to survive in a horror movie and post-apocalyptic world by now, right?

- A Harvard Psychiatrist Explains Zombie Neurobiology.


wtf, tv shows, movies, lol, games, links

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