Apr 05, 2009 18:50

Another day, another bout of computer woes. I already had an external hard drive die on me earlier this week. So of course on Friday, I had to end up getting tea spilled on my keyboard and fucking it up. Cleaned it up with a tissue and compressed air, but a couple of keyboard keys were deciding to either not work or do different things than they were supposed to. Which made for a few stressful afternoon of calling Asus Japan just in case I needed to get it repaired, and leaving it turned off all weekend to let it dry out before assessing the damage.

Good news is, I turned it on today and everything seems to be working properly again. So I can only hope it stays that way. I really can't afford to send my laptop away for 3-4 WEEKS to have it repaired, especially for something as lame as a tea spill.

Anyway, I ended up feeling like crap for most of Friday and Saturday. Saturday's D&D session turned out to be awesome, though, so at least that was ONE high point for the last few days. Between North Korea shooting goddamn missiles around, and those FUCKING POLITICAL VANS invading my neighbourhood for the last two days, it's been pretty hard to relax. I should put on a movie or something to drown them out. A good zombie movie should have enough shotgun blasts and screaming to do the trick.


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