Apr 30, 2008 23:32

So I went to make dinner this evening, and I noticed something moving on the counter. A lot of somethings. And more on the floor. Turned out to be ants. Fucking ANTS. Wonderful. So I spent an hour on an ant-killing/kitchen-cleaning spree. I'm pretty sure they're all coming in from the same place. There's a gap in the mouldings under the window that, on closer inspection, is stuffed with bits of TISSUE. (Which just makes me wonder even more about the people who owned the apartment before me. As if it wasn't enough they left behind a lot of dirt and a layer of cooking grease so thick I'm STILL cleaning it off in some places.) So yeah, a trip to the store for some ant traps and some caulk or something is in order. Plug the gap, kill any stragglers. (Don't you get ants from time to time, sabella_a? How do you deal with them?)

I watched the latest episodes of House, Supernatural, and Doctor Who this evening. Was amused that both House and SPN very pointedly made references to the strike. Was lukewarm on House, but LOVED the SPN episode.

SPN's been getting better and better for the most part. I went into this one with low expectations, and came out deciding it was one of the best episodes of the season. The pacing, the editing, the bit characters (who were the MAIN characters in this episode, I guess), the cursing (LOL), the jokes, the parody, the serious stuff, the emotional stuff, the creepy stuff... It was all mixed together, and it all actually WORKED together in a way that flowed really well and never felt either too serious or too flippant. Great start to the home stretch for season 3. If the last three or so episodes of the season are this good, I won't have to end the season on a *facepalm* like I did last year.


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